Membership Categories
Nicki Ault, “Unexpected Journey”, oil on canvas, 30 x 30”, Assiniboia Gallery, Regina
Be a part of a growing association. We have membership categories to accommodate the many different professional businesses across Saskatchewan that sell art in an ethical and professional manner. If you would like to be a member of SaskGalleries, please review our categories and benefits below, and then go to Join Galleries to find out how to apply. All applications are reviewed by the Executive Director and the Membership Committee. Full and associate memberships are accepted at the discretion of the Board.
Full Member
Associate Member
Affiliate Member
Honourary Member
SaskGalleries members adhere to a code of ethics, available here.
our members
SaskGalleries’ members are a unique group of professionals who work together toward the greater good of Saskatchewan’s fine art industry, led by a volunteer Board of Directors. Together we are able to positively affect the industry and accomplish our goals, including group shows, member education and mentorship, and establishing a provincial professional fine art fair. We invite Saskatchewan’s great galleries and partners to join us in our mission to promote, develop, and encourage the growth of Saskatchewan’s commercial gallery industry.
why be a member
SaskGalleries’ members enjoy access to the many programs and services the association provides, such as:
Promotion and marketing support through robust marketing campaigns developed annually, promotion on our websites, through social media, on our provincially-distributed Provincial Art Map, and more.
We also promote full and associate member events through all our growing online networks.
Development through education sessions, our private online group, mentorship, access to best practices, communications and networking, and our Annual General Meeting.
We also provide professional review and feedback of grant applications to Creative Saskatchewan or other granting bodies.
We encourage our members success through showcases and group exhibitions as often as we can.
SaskGalleries produces Saskatchewan’s only fine art fair, the Art Now Fine Art Fair. Members can participate at a reduced rate.
Several times a year, members can participate in Saskatchewan’s only curated online group exhibition,
Membership Categories & Benefits
full members
If you are a professional commercial art gallery located in the province of Saskatchewan and your primary focus is the sale of original, high quality Saskatchewan fine art and fine craft, you fit this category. Galleries may apply for membership to this category and are admitted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors if, at the discretion of the Directors, the applicant gallery satisfies the following requirements:
Has operated a bona fide exhibition gallery (physical bricks and mortar location), open to the public during consistent business hours, for a continuous period of three years or more;
Business is located in Saskatchewan;
Represents at least ten professional artists, with the majority being Saskatchewan artists;
Presents an active, consistent and professional exhibition program;
Provides evidence of stability and intent (based on criteria such as exhibition policy, reputation in the community, bank or accountant reference);
Operates an ethical business based on industry best practices;
Has a primary concern for the promotion of art and professional artists; and
Demonstrates a concern with accepting and promoting the mandate of SaskGalleries, with particular regard to the maintenance of professional standards and ethics.
Full memberships cost $250.00* per year, paid annually by April 1.
*2024-2025 rates.
full member benefits
Full members are eligible to participate in all SaskGalleries’ activities with priority placement, can participate on SaskGalleries committees, and have voting privileges at general meetings.
associate members
This membership category is for emerging commercial art galleries, artist collectives, businesses and organizations, as well as fine art and fine craft retailers located and operating in the province of Saskatchewan. Associate members are non-voting members.
Applicants may apply for membership to this category and be admitted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors if, at the discretion of the Directors, the applicant satisfies the following requirements:
Operates a business of organization that presents professional exhibitions with a focus on the sale of original art, craft, or original cultural products (once a commercial gallery operates continuously for three years, they may be moved to the full member category);
Business is located in Saskatchewan;
Exhibits artists and artisans that produce original cultural products;
Provides evidence of stability and intent (based on criteria such as exhibition policy, reputation in the community, bank or accountant reference);
Operates an ethical business based on industry best practices;
Demonstrates concern with accepting and promoting the mandate of SaskGalleries, with particular regard to the maintenance of professional standards and ethics.
Associate memberships cost $125.00* per year, paid annually by April 1 (not eligible to be prorated).
*2024-2025 rates.
associate member benefits
Associate members are eligible to participate in all SaskGalleries’ activities and can participate on SaskGalleries committees.
affiliate members
This membership category is available to all of the individuals and institutions that contribute to the success of the commercial art market in Saskatchewan and are non-voting members. Individual artists, guilds, art supply retailers, framers, appraisers, dealers and collectors are welcome and encouraged to join SaskGalleries. We firmly believe that a strong commercial art market contributes to the health and success of the larger artistic community. If you support this belief and would like to be kept up to date on our exhibitions and events, we welcome your membership.
Affiliate memberships cost $25.00* per year, paid annually by April 1 (not eligible to be prorated).
*2024-2025 rates.
honourary members
This complimentary membership category is for individuals that have made significant past contributions to the development of SaskGalleries and the commercial art market of the province. Honourary Member status is granted, by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Honourary Members cannot be currently involved in an active commercial art gallery that would otherwise qualify for one of the paid membership categories. Any SaskGalleries member may put forward a nomination for Honourary Member to the Membership Committee, please email your recommendation by contacting our Executive Director.