Shop at Art Now. Support local artists.

You are a Canadian. You are proud. Whether you were born here or immigrated here, Canada is part of your story. So, show it off by displaying Canadian art in your home.

When you purchase Canadian-made, original art, you are investing in the creativity that furthers cultural development in our country. Art is an expression of the creators’ history and owning artwork is a reflection of a part of who you are, how you perceive, and what you love. When choosing that special piece of art, it is important to find something you connect with; something that makes your heart skip a beat and draws you closer. Having original artwork in your home can improve your quality of life by initiating conversations, displaying character, and providing daily inspiration. 

Art Now, the Saskatchewan Fine Art Fair, showcases a variety of Canadian-prairie galleries displaying works of art from all over the country, all in one place.  Walk through the galleries and stroll through sculpture garden to view what Canadian artists have to offer. Support local talent and keep our artists at home. 

Happen to fall in love with one of the pieces? Art Now provides the opportunity to meet with some these artists who created the pieces. Listen to their stories behind the art and get a glimpse into the creative process. Art Now is a space to fall in love, build relationships with gallerists, curators, and artists, and contribute to the creative fabric that makes up the Canadian culture we know and love.

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