We asked and they answered. The Gallery / art placement inc.

The Gallery / art placement inc. has been a staple in the Saskatchewan fine art industry for many years.  In fact, 2020 marks the 42nd year that the business has been in operation, second only to Regina’s Assiniboia Gallery founded one year earlier. 

Located in downtown Saskatoon, in 2016 the gallery was expanded and moved to a street-front space just around the corner from the back alley location it had occupied for more than 30 years. Fun fact, a part of the space they moved into in 2016 is the exact same space the gallery originally occupied when it first opened as a bona fide exhibition gallery! They spent five years in the location before moving to the annex in the back, a unique back alley location that became a signature aspect of art placement's identity, and where the frame shop and art supplies store can still be found.

We asked co-owner and gallerist Levi Nicholat to tell us more. 

SG: Why did you purchase your gallery? 

LN: When it came to the purchase of the gallery, the question of why we would do that never really crossed our minds. My partner and I both had so much respect and appreciation for the gallery, for its history, its reputation, and its role in the community, so when the opportunity to take over came our way, the only question we asked ourselves was, "how can we make this happen?".

SG: What is your favourite piece in the gallery’s backroom?

LN: There are so many great works that I love, it's hard to choose just one. At the moment, we do have an early Robert Christie painting that stands out. 

It's always exciting to see the newest and most recent works from any artist's studio, but working with well established artists that have been active for many years, we have this amazing opportunity to look back through an archive of past work. It allows us to chart an evolution, while at the same time, it brings into focus unifying threads that might run throughout. That's what I love about this particular work, how it is distinct from, but also inextricably connected to the works that Bob is making right now, nearly fifty years later.

SG: What did you do before you were a gallerist? 

LN: Before taking over the gallery, I was working at Art Placement managing the art supplies store. I had been a student immediately before that and I actually began my full time position at Art Placement while I was still a student in the second year of my MFA at the U of S. A maternity leave opened up the position for me, and though it was kind of crazy being a full time student and a full time store manager, it was a great opportunity that has worked out in ways I never would have dreamed it might at the time. 

My very first job was working landscape construction in the family business. Basically manual labour, though I always found it offered opportunities for a surprising amount of creativity. After that I worked as a lifeguard for several years, followed by a short stint in clothing retail, and then a few years in bar tending and food service, which is what I was doing right before I entered the MFA program.

SG: Why did you name your gallery The Gallery / art placement inc.?

LN: The previous owners chose the name for the gallery and given the longstanding history of the business, a name change is not something we considered. The business started out as just 'art placement', because that is what they initially were, an art placement and consulting firm. When they opened an exhibition space a few years later, the name evolved to reflect their new status as a gallery, while also holding onto the art placement part, which had been pretty firmly established by that point. Thus The Gallery/art placement inc. was solidified as the legal business name, though to this day we are still commonly referred to as 'art placement' across the range of services that we offer.

SG: Why should someone come to your gallery? 

LN: Someone should come to our gallery to see some beautiful art by Saskatchewan artists! Our exhibitions change regularly, so there is always something different to see. We also have an extensive inventory of works on hand at all times, which are always available for viewing. 

For anyone who might be new to art, or interested to learn more about an artist or their work, we're also a fantastic resource. We love art, we love talking about it, and we're always happy to answer any questions people might have.

Learn more about The Gallery / art placement inc. on their website, Facebook, or Instagram. You can also call (306) 664-3385 or email gallery@artplacement.com.

Check out The Gallery / art placement inc.’s latest Art Now Online exhibition here.

Gallery co-owner and gallerist Levi Nicholat

Gallery co-owner and gallerist Levi Nicholat

We love art, we love talking about it, and we’re always happy to answer any questions people might have.
Robert Christie, “Corner Colours:, 1972, acrylic on canvas, 52”x52”

Robert Christie, “Corner Colours:, 1972, acrylic on canvas, 52”x52”

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Kristin Wagman