We asked and they answered. Void Gallery.

Get to know your local gallery.

Void Gallery, located in the Riversdale community of Saskatoon, has been in operation since 2012. Void is a screen print and Saskatchewan's first and only Risograph studio. They represent about half a dozen artists currently through their brand Shop Cold Pizza, and going back to their commercial gallery days, they’ve represented well over 100 artists. Currently running as a print studio, Void offers workshops and open studio time.

We asked gallery director and artist Michael Peterson to tell us more.

SG: Why did you open your gallery? 

MP: I helped to start Void back in 2012 to support emerging artists by creating a place for them to show and sell their work. 

SG: What is your favourite aspect of Void Gallery?

MP: For us, it's become more about the experience of creating art than the artworks themselves. 

SG: What did you do before you were a gallerist?

MP: I got my start in the gallery system working for Gary Young at the University of Saskatchewan’s Gordon Snelgrove Gallery in 2010. I returned to finish a second degree after completing my BFA in 2009. Before (and during) that period I worked a series of part-time jobs, include a few in retail which definitely provided good training and experience as I moved into the gallery system.

SG: Why did you name your gallery Void?

MP: Our original location was a small basement room in an older building, so we were literally "down in the void". One of my partners when we started the gallery, Kris Kershaw, came up with the name. 

 SG: Why should someone come to your gallery? 

MP: Even though we're still called Void Gallery for marketing purposes, we really are a studio now. We offer workshops in a range of printmaking and bookbinding techniques that anyone can take (no experience required), and they are an opportunity to try something new.

Once people have taken a class (and for more experienced artists) we offer open studio nights where you can use the space and equipment while receiving advice from one of our technicians. And for those who want product but don't want to make it, we offer printing services from t-shirts to posters.  

Learn more about Void Gallery on their website, Facebook and Instagram.

See the current Void Gallery Art Now Online exhibition here.

Gallery Director Michael Peterson at a Risograph workshop.

Gallery Director Michael Peterson at a Risograph workshop.

We offer workshops in a range of printmaking and bookbinding techniques that anyone can take, and they are an opportunity to try something new.