Market Research: Bringing Saskatchewan Art Farther Afield

If you take a second and picture Saskatchewan as a warehouse of amazing goods to sell and promote, yes, there would be agricultural goods and produce, raw materials like potash, lumber etc, but the warehouse would also be stacked to the roof with fine art. Amazing, beautiful, thought-provoking fine art. Saskatchewan has so many incredible artists and fine craftspeople who produce amazing work on a continual basis. Our province is replete with amazing art. And our commercial/professional galleries work diligently to promote these artists and the gallery ecosystem in Saskatchewan in general.

As the not-for-profit association that promotes Saskatchewan professional galleries, we believe the world should know of the talent and passion we have here in Saskatchewan for fine art. As a result, SaskGalleries commissioned the University of Regina to conduct a market research project to identify the potential demand for art from Saskatchewan outside our provincial borders. The research recommended two potential markets for Saskatchewan galleries to explore and offered SaskGalleries tangible recommendations to shape future association activities. Potential projects resulting from this research include support for members to enhance their digital presence, collaborations, relationship building with other organizations, and further efforts into enhancing industry growth within Saskatchewan.

If your gallery is interested in becoming a member of SaskGalleries and obtaining a copy of the research, please contact the SaskGalleries office at 306-775-3323 or email us. We are extremely grateful to our major funder, Creative Saskatchewan, for our industry funding and for the funding to do important projects like this.

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