Art Now: The Saskatchewan Fine Art Fair

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The 2nd annual Art Now featured more than 500 works from over 80 artists from nine professional galleries. Located at the Regina Soundstage, roughly 2,300 people toured Art Now over three days, with more than 180 pieces of art purchased at the event, including three pieces purchased for the Saskatchewan Arts Board permanent collection. While the residual sales continue to happen, sales from the show to date total more than $226,000, a significant increase from the 2016 show. Way to go galleries! Way to go art buyers!

Plans are underway for Art Now 2018 in Saskatoon; sponsorship efforts will begin in the coming weeks and gallery exhibition applications will be sent out early 2018. If you are interested participating as a gallery, sponsoring Art Now, being on the e-news list as an art buyer, or to volunteer, please contact Kristin Wagman at 306-775-3323.

A big Art Now thank-you to our planning committee; Jeremy Weimer (Assiniboia Gallery, YQR), Gina Fafard (Slate Gallery, YQR), Levi Nicholat (the gallery / Art Placement, YXE), and Carmen Milenkovic (Saskatchewan Craft Council) for their efforts. We also gratefully acknowledge the fantastic support of our major funder, Creative Saskatchewan, and our thirty other sponsors and partners. With their generous contributions, this celebration of original art would not happen. Check out the full list of show sponsors here.

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